avril 20, 2011

And the List Goes On...

In 12 days we leave.  Crazy how fast time goes.  As always, you feel you have tons of time to get everything done and then all of a sudden you have two days to see all your friends, pack all your things, get all your papers in order, close up your house, the list goes on.

I'm currently recovering from a second round of bunion surgery in a month (I loved it sooo much the first time around I thought I'd do it again), and making a list of all the things that need to be done as the days trickle away.

Bandages from bunion surgery.  Yes, it hurt.

I have to admit that I always hear people who talk about ALLLLLL the things they need to do before making a huge move and this doesn't seem as difficult as I assumed it would be.  It's probably all the pain meds! I don't know.  But, here's my list for anyone who's wondering.....
  1. Charlie's Vet appointment for his International Medical Certificate, i.e. Pet Passport
  2. Box up our "10" boxes, fill out customs forms, print shipping labels, and take to Post Office
  3. Sell or have all excess furniture and such removed from apartment
  4. Kids last Well Visit and Vaccines
  5. Get all updated doctor and dental records
  6. Cancel utilities and cell phones
  7. Talk to Taylor's school about leaving
  8. Organize bank accounts and transfer any extraneous monies into them
  9. Cancel any unnecessary credit cards and memberships
  10. Figure out how to pack my favorite piece of art, a painting by Kristopher Stillwell
  11. Drop off toys to our favorite daycare and clothes to a donation center
  12. Ebay those few pairs of shoes I decided to part with
  13. Change of address to Post Office-our friend is taking in any mail that still comes to us
  14. Create a phone book of all my friend's numbers in my cellphone
  15. Contact all my friends, even the old ones I haven't talked to in a while, and tell them we're moving and how to keep in contact with us
  16. Contact the ABC School in France and make sure they have room for both kids when we return
  17. Have coffee dates with all my close friends before I ship out
  18. Talk myself into letting my mom see the kids before we go (a long story that one day may be told)
  19. Get my hair colored and cut, Taylor's hair cut, and Charlie one last grooming
  20. Pack our suitcases.....
Painting by Kristopher Stillwell

I'm sure more things will come up, but that's pretty much the list.  Now if I could just walk, some of it could actually get done. Oh vanity, she rules me so.  But cute shoes in my future is soooo worth it.  I'll just have to work double time next week.  

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